Oriya pandit For Engagement Puja Engagement is an occasion where there is a formal agreement to get married and families announce the same to the society. It is also known as the betrothal ceremony, Sagai, Ring ceremony, etc. The engagement ceremony is done prior to Marriage by exchanging rings and performing Engagement Puja bestows the engaged couples with harmony, bliss and prosperity. It strengthens the relationship between the two families. Endorsing the commitment towards starting a new family This ceremony is performed on an auspicious muhurta that is selected after going through the Couple’s horoscope. The engagement ceremony is always held before the wedding ceremony Benefits Any Puja is done to boost the harmony, peace and happiness in our lives; so does an engagement puja. Many versions of the engagement puja as well embrace the Graha Shanti Havan, it safeguards not only the couple however as well each the families. The engagement puja is a predecessor to the Vivah Puja and is finished to bring a deeper and loving understanding between the couple and as well their families. Because it is connected to horoscope, this Puja understands the placement and movement of varied planets and their effects on the couple and their marriage
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